
Kirwee Model School has a shared philosophy of teaching and learning which guides all staff as they implement the New Zealand Curriculum at all levels.

The Charter

The principles, vision, and values of the school charter are regularly re-visited, owned by the staff and Board of Trustees, and reflected in classroom practice. Here is the link to the current charter.

Key Competencies

The development of the key competencies is considered for all levels and contexts including the classroom, playground, sports field, and home. Common language and age appropriate expectations are used to explain and model these competencies. Our Learning Pathway, goals and other classroom artefacts are used to explain and model the ideas implicit in these competencies.

Powerful Learning

Learners develop the key competencies and build on prior knowledge in authentic and purposeful contexts. Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Learners explore ideas of relevance and interest, based on the New Zealand Curriculum and described in scope plans. Learners and teachers are encouraged to take risks and problem-solve through a variety of learning opportunities including higher order thinking and inquiry. The teachable moment and children’s wonderment are valued opportunities to ignite learning. Staff and learners are expected to set personal goals and monitor their next steps. Global learning intentions are stated and shared, and teachers and children co-construct success criteria to reflect on and understand their progress.


Teachers use an extensive repertoire of teaching strategies and with an in-depth understanding of their learners, tailor programmes to provide opportunities to learn which are authentic, engaging and motivating. Teachers set high expectations for all pupils and provide clear routines, directions and positive models of work, skills, and behaviour. Children’s work is regularly acknowledged and monitored, with appropriate and ongoing constructive feedback provided by the teacher.

Literacy and Numeracy

Student achievement in literacy and numeracy are the key focus for all teachers and are integrated throughout the curriculum.


Teachers offer differentiated context, content and strategies in their classroom programmes while providing opportunities for success for all learners. Programmes are child-centred, and cater for each individual through appropriate grouping and programming strategies, recognising that children have widely different abilities, learning styles, needs and family and cultural circumstances

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

ICTs are tools to be integrated into programmes to enrich learning and engage and motivate children whilst providing authentic opportunities to share ideas to a wider audience

Individual Needs Learners including Gifted and Talented Children

Learners who have been identified as those needing alternative or additional resources receive extra assistance and adapted programmes or learning environments, supervised in an inclusive setting by the individual needs co-ordinator.

Barriers to Learning

Any barriers to learning are identified and steps are taken to address them and support the learner. Children’s learning preferences are identified and supported.

Classroom Tone and Environment

Classrooms have a safe and positive tone where children are engaged, challenged, and enjoy learning. They are helped to develop positive self-esteem through experiencing and building on success. Children’s work is shared and celebrated.