Board of Trustees

The Board is responsible for the smooth running of the school. Its main areas of responsibility include strategic planning, policy development, budgeting and administration of funds, appointment and appraisal of the Principal, maintenance and improvement of school buildings and grounds and ensuring the health and safety of students, staff, parents and school visitors.

At Kirwee Model School each area of responsibility is looked after by an individual Board member. The Principal works with each Board member and reports to the Board twice a term on these areas and on the progress of the school towards its goals. The Board is accountable to the school community and to the Ministry of Education. Members of our school community are welcome to attend any Board meeting.

Board members are elected by parents for a three year term.

Current Board Members 

Ashley Seaton

Presiding member

Leonie Weavers 


Helena Cridge

Board Member

tangihia Steer

Board member

Brett Watts  

Board Member

Matt McCaughan

Board member

Genevieve Galletley

Staff Rep

Board Meetings

All Board meetings are held at the school in the staffroom and start at 6.00 pm.

Board Meeting Dates for 2023

Term 1 

Term 2 


Term 3 

Term 4